pin the feather on peter pan...How amazing is that HAND DRAWN peter pan? My friend Kassie volunteered her hubby Travis to sketch a Peter pan hat for me to pin the feathers onto. Well, Travis went above and BEYOND and sketched his whole face along with the hat and feathers! It's amazing. It looks SO good. Pull out your movie case, it looks just like him! So talented! Thank you Kassie for volunteering and cutting and thank you Travis for the awesome art that is now hanging in Kasen's room!
His present from us...a new bike that he actually fits on!
A shout out to Michelle for helping me watch Quinn during the WHOLE party! Thank you so so much!
Another shout out to Taylor for letting me use her cake decorating tools and helping me making Kasen's cake look so pretty!!
You guys are all great!
Happy Birthday my adorable Kasen. You certainly are my world. You try me like I've never been tried before, but I wouldn't have it any other way because then you wouldn't be the Kasen that I love. You are so smart and say the funniest things. I can't believe that 5 years ago I became a mother because of YOU.
My 5 favorite things about Kasen:
1. The way you tell me you love me over and over throughout the day, just in case I forget...
2. The voice that you use when you talk to your brother. So loving and nurturing.
3. The way you walk in the door from school everyday and announce "I'm Back!!"
4. You are SO willing to serve and do anything to make someone else feel special!
5. The way you have compassion for someone who is sick. You tell them, "im sorry your'e sick." and its always so sincere.