Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 5th!

Kasen turned 5 on November 7th. We had a fun little party for him with some quite tasty desserts if I do say so myself. He got to invite his friends, got to play games, and got to throw tantrums! It was a great day!

All the kids got party favors of a peter pan pinata with candy and stuff inside, a glow sword or wand and a peter pan book or tinkerbell stamp set.

For breakfast he was allowed to request what he wanted and he chose bacon and egg nog.

The cake I made. I had some help with the assembly, but its all homemade. Chocolate peanut butter cup. It was DELISH!

Playing peter pan toss across

singing happy birthday

pin the feather on peter pan...How amazing is that HAND DRAWN peter pan? My friend Kassie volunteered her hubby Travis to sketch a Peter pan hat for me to pin the feathers onto. Well, Travis went above and BEYOND and sketched his whole face along with the hat and feathers! It's amazing. It looks SO good. Pull out your movie case, it looks just like him! So talented! Thank you Kassie for volunteering and cutting and thank you Travis for the awesome art that is now hanging in Kasen's room!

His present from us...a new bike that he actually fits on!
A shout out to Michelle for helping me watch Quinn during the WHOLE party! Thank you so so much!
Another shout out to Taylor for letting me use her cake decorating tools and helping me making Kasen's cake look so pretty!!
You guys are all great!

Happy Birthday my adorable Kasen. You certainly are my world. You try me like I've never been tried before, but I wouldn't have it any other way because then you wouldn't be the Kasen that I love. You are so smart and say the funniest things. I can't believe that 5 years ago I became a mother because of YOU.
My 5 favorite things about Kasen:
1. The way you tell me you love me over and over throughout the day, just in case I forget...
2. The voice that you use when you talk to your brother. So loving and nurturing.
3. The way you walk in the door from school everyday and announce "I'm Back!!"
4. You are SO willing to serve and do anything to make someone else feel special!
5. The way you have compassion for someone who is sick. You tell them, "im sorry your'e sick." and its always so sincere.

My Big Boy

As tradition, we decided to decorate Kasen's room the night before his birthday. This year was a little trickier. Up until this year we let him fall asleep in our bed, decorate his room, and then pick him up and transfer him into his own bed. Well this year he is TOO big to do that. We had to be super sneaky and decorate his room WHILE he was sleeping in his bed! There were a few close calls where we had to drop to the ground because he rolled over or moved around in his bed. We managed to pull it off though! Another tradition we have is to take a picture of him his last night being that age. So this was his last night being 4. :(

Sweet Sweet boy!

Birthday at School

The day before Kasens birthday, Quinn and I walked over to Kasens school to deliver cupcakes to him and his classmates! He got to sit in a special chair, wearing a special hat while his whole class sang Happy Birthday to him. He LOVED it. He tried to act all shy, but we all know he isn't.

The community Birthday hat!

Trying to act embarrassed that his class was singing to him...except that girl next to him. Apparently SHE wasn't singing to him.

Mrs Bianco and Kasen

Kasen and Mommy

He got to pick a pencil out of the birthday jar from his teacher. He tried to pick a flower one, then one with hearts, but thankfully ended up with a camo one! Phew!

Random November Pictures....so far.

My friend Anthea came to visit this last weekend with her two cute kiddos Madeline (2) and Mikas (4.5 mos) sooo good to see her!

First time sleeping in his crib. He is now sleeping in there for naps AND night time!

Bumbo for green peas!

Trick or Treat

We got together for a Halloween dinner with some friends before we took all our kids trick or treating. While Jeremy hung out with a friend and Quinn and watched football, I went and took Kasen trick or treating. We had a large group of kids and it was a little crazy, but we had so much fun! :)

Random October Pictures

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

We got together with some good friends on Monday night for FHE to carve our pumpkins together. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast together. I think Kasen was more interested in playing, than carving, but oh well!

Kasen carved a tiny bit and then got bored and ran off to play so Jeremy was left carving the rest of it. He is so dang handsome! I love those dimples!

I carved the lid and cleaned it out
Kassie cleanin out all the pumpkin seeds to roast
Jeremy helped with the face and carving
Quinn lookin cute as always!
The proud carvers! Don't you love the vomiting pumpkin? lol Nice job Travis!

Im in LOVE with this picture!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


We had our Primary Program today, I am so glad its over. We teach the 11 year olds. They were all so excited that it was their LAST program before entering into young men and young womens next year. It was funny.
Kasen and his class had a part together. They were given a scripture last week and were told to memorize it. Well Kasen did as he was told and in return was able to eat the candy bar his teachers gave me. I was instructed not to give it to him til he had the scripture completely memorized. So we sat down and worked on it one day over his fall break, and in NO time at all, he was repeating it word for word without any help. By the time today rolled around he was saying is so super fast! Good boy Kase! You are a smarty pants!

Best part about today? Our friends made us dinner! They brought it over, salad, chili and these super cute pumpkin bread bowls! The salad was amazing and the chili was really really great also! Thanks so much Michelle! So grateful! :)

This is the first day he memorized it. He was so proud of himself! Notice the "john chapter 3 versed 5" lol so cute.