Today Jeremy and I went to the Dr and received confirmation that we are definitely having another boy. The ultrasound tech said "it's very easy to determin that you are having a boy" as she shows us his "stuff"....
As we went in I was a little nervous because this is the appt where you find out if your baby is growing as it should be, that all his measurements add up, that he has 10 fingers and 10 toes. Well he passed with flying colors. PHEW! What a relief. As she measured all that she was supposed to, everything kept coming up 19w4d or 19w5d. Except his head! His head measure a WHOLE WEEK ahead. Another one. Another baby with a big head. Another fun recovery. I blame his daddy for that one. ;) Oh well! I am just so glad that as far as she could tell he was healthy. That was a huge relief. Since he was measure ahead, they changed my due date to June 18th. Just 4 days sooner, but HEY! 4 days is 4 days and I will take it!

This pregnancy has gone by quite slow really. It hasn't been easy. I know that it could be worse. People have asked me if it's been easy since I haven't really had much to complain about. TRUST ME, and ask Jeremy, I have complained plenty and will continue to do so until this sweet precious boy of mine is in my arms! I try hard not to complain because I just feel so grateful for this blessing. This blessing didn't come easy to me and I don't feel I have the right to complain. I am just taking this pregnancy day by day and enjoying every sweet kick I feel.
My diabetes are still under control. I am controlling them by diet and pill. Thankfully, still no insulin. I am thinking at the rate I am going, I won't need insulin which is a HUGE plus. No need for more needles. I've had plenty of those. I'm done. Besides poking my finger 4-6 times a day to check my sugar. It's not so bad. My fingers have pretty much calloused over and it doesn't hurt all that much anymore. I use every finger on both hands (minus my pinky finger) and between those 8 fingers, I am able to get enough blood to test.
My diet is still going strong. I have lost about 25 lbs since finding out I was pregnant and am continuing to lose. The OB today mentioned it for the first time and had asked me if I noticed I was losing weight. Umm, HELLO! Of course I am noticing. My pants are falling off of me. She told me she was glad to see I was losing weight still because that let her know I was still following the diet I should be for a pregnant lady with diabetes. My maternity clothes from Kasen are too big. They are packed away in storage somewhere, so I have to buy all new ones, which gets expensive. Once again though, no complaints. It's just that much less I have to lose after this little guy is born.
I get frustrated a lot when trying to eat. I can't eat what I want. I can't fill my cravings. I have to sit back and watch everyone eat what I want to eat. I cry a lot. I get mad a lot. I throw fits a lot. But thankfully Jeremy still loves me. I have eggs and low carb toast EVERY single morning for breakfast. Really though? As much as I get frustrated, it's all so worth it to me. Once again, day by day.
I've been having trouble sleeping, having lots of round ligament pain, and bad headaches/migraines.
So there ya go everyone. Not an easy pregnancy, but I know it could be worse.
I am so grateful for this baby. His sweet spirit, and the love and joy he brings into our lives already. I thank my Heavenly Father for him everyday. Sometimes I just sit around and watch tv with my hand on my bare stomach and just feel him kick. It's such a miracle. HE is a miracle. OUR miracle.
We are truly blessed. I know that. I am so happy with my life. It's not easy, but it's SO worth it.
We think we have a first name picked out, but aren't 100% sure with it yet, so until we are sure, it will be hush hush. Once we decide for sure, we will announce then.
Thanks to everyone for their continual prayers. We feel the blessings of them in our lives everyday. We love you all!