A Week Away- Sort Of
The drive was long, 7 hours. About every 20 minutes Kasen complained his tummy hurt. I'm thinking he just got carsick from coloring, reading and playing his leapster. He didn't sleep AT ALL on the way there. Which made the drive even longer for me. I got stuck in traffic. It was all not very fun! But then we got there!
It was SO great to see Autumn and her family. She had dinner ready and waiting for us and then the next day we woke up early to go to her surgery. She wasn't nervous, which in turn made me nervous. She kept talking about what we were going to do while I was there, and even asking what I wanted to do later that night. I kept telling her to stop talking like that, because she had no idea what she was going to feel like afterwards. She kept saying she wasn't nervous. I kept telling her that it didn't matter whether she was nervous or not, that wasn't going to take away the pain she would feel afterwards. She was in denial, or totally clueless, whichever....it was pretty funny. Kasen and I went across the street to a mall called Desert Ridge and saw "Hotel for Dogs" and then got some lunch. During lunch the nurse called to let me know Autumn was ready and we went and picked her up. I am so glad her husband Bryant was able to make it to the center, otherwise I never wouldn't have known how to get poor Autumn home! She was so out of it that she could barely talk! Let alone give me directions.
She got home and slept. While I took care of the 4 kids. 3 hers, 1 mine. That was definitely interesting. Harder than I expected, but it was good and fun to get to know Autumns kids better and spend some quality time with them. Luckily Bryant was home over the weekend and was able to pretty much take over the kids. I was there for about 6 days. Bryant went back to work on Tuesday, and it was just Autumn the kids and I. She was feeling for the most part better by then and so we went shopping at AZ Mills with the two younger boys. It wore both of us out, and we all went home and took naps.
Tuesday night I was able to meet up with a good "old" friend of mine and catch up a little on some lost time. I miss her to death and am SO glad we have started to talk again. I love you Meags! No matter what.
Wed morning we left for the trek home. After the car sickness on the way there, and 2 calls to the pediatrician later, we got Kasen drugged and happy and drove home. It went by a lot faster since he was able to sleep, play and even eat without being sick. We were so happy to be home, I cried. How lame and pregnant am I? I cried to see Jeremy. Yep. I'm in love. Take that.
It was hard taking care of someone elses kids, honestly, but it was so worth it. Autumn is my best friend and has been for about 15 years now. I couldn't think of a better way to serve her and her family. I know my cooking wasn't the most gourmet, and I know I wasn't the most patient, but I feel blessed to have been there for you and to spend that time with your kids. I am so happy that you were so willing to have me come. That you were humble enough to let me bandage your wounds. I am grateful that you are my best friend and I KNOW 100% that that will never change. We have made it this far, we can only grow from here. I miss you already friend. I love you to death, always will. Please take it easy and recover fast!
Cant wait to see you again in just a few short weeks! ;)
Britty, I love you to death. I know that was so not easy for you but you really saved me. Thank you doesn't even cover it. You are more than my best friend you are "The" best friend! :) Thank you for taking such good care of us while you were here! I miss you soo much but can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!
I love you!!
ps, I look like crap in that pic.. I think we all can tell I was recovering! lol
Brittany, that was such a sweet post to Autumn. very cute. After 6 days away, it is good to cry when you see your hubby. shoot, after driving 7 hours by yourself with a kid, I'd cry when I saw my husband, too!!!
THat was so nice of you to go help Autumn. I'm sure she really was so thankful. You are a true friend.
You look so cute in these pictures, btw. are you still losing weight even though you are prego?? I wish I could!!! Lose weight that is, not be prego. :)
Yea! I'm so glad you were able to help Autumn and have a good time doing it! And that your kids had fun together too! I'm impressed that you took that drive on by yourself, pregnant, with your little boy. You go girl! :)
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