Saturday, June 16, 2007

25 Loves and Hates

25 things I love:

1. scrapbooking
2. homemade popcorn with butter and salt
3. when Kasen says “I love you mommy”
4. beating Jeremy at tennis
5. when Kasen is laying next to me and rolls over and hold my hand, or strokes my hand
6. watching Bailey push her ball around with her face in the backyard
7. laying on the couch in Jeremy’s arms watching TV
8. getting pedicures
9. having lotion rubbed on my feet
10. tortellini with pancetta (or proscuitto) with peas in a creamy alfredo sauce, divine!
11. when my prayers are answered (especially the way that I want them to be)
12. chick fil a…best chikin ever!
13. the smell of clean sheets
14. red and white tulips in my silver vase that my wedding bouquet was in
15. reading a good book
16. the gospel
17. that my family is forever
18. when people watch their language around me because they know I am LDS
19. walking outside my house and smelling the flowers, it makes me happy
20. Cherry Sprite Lemonade from Ruby’s Diner (don’t dog it til you’ve tried it!)
21. knowing that you can trust someone with ANYTHING, very rare
22. when Kasen wakes up dry in the morning
23. taking pictures, if only I were good at it and had a better camera
24. when Bailey cuddles with me without having to ask
25. sincere compliments

25 things I Hate:

1. when people can’t admit they are wrong
2. math tests
3. people who don’t listen
4. repeating myself because people don’t listen
5. being interrupted to have someone tell me I am wrong when they never listened to all I had 6. to say in the first place
7. seafood- even tuna
8. when people say “you’re a baby still” “oh you’re so young” “you’ve got plenty of time, you are young”
9. when people talking through movies, or when they have seen the movie before they say “I love this part” “this part is funny, watch” I’M TRYING TO!
10. when people try to boss me or Kasen around
11. when someone can’t stand the spotlight being on you for more than 30 seconds and have to interrupt with their 2 cents of bragging about themselves
12. miracle whip-totally shouldn’t be consumed by humans
13. when people tell you how you feel and can’t accept that your opinion is different than theirs
14. when people try and talk to me first thing in the morning
15. people who think that television is beneath them
16. when people ask you to HELP, but then you end up doing all the work
17. when people things ONLY at their convenience, but try and act like they are doing you a favor
18. when people pick their nose in public for all to see. Do it in the privacy of your own home!
19. when people make excuses over and over again
20. when people lie- it’s so much easier to tell the truth
21. when Kasen has an “accident” in his pants
22. that I can’t say no to people so I just end up getting walked on
that I am never happy with what I look like, EVER
23. sweating- blah
24. when people can’t commit one way or the other about something
25. that I didn’t complete college

That was pretty tough! I would love to see what you guys would write.


Mrs.EBG said...

Awe! Nothing on your top 25 loves that says "Autumn" and that's it!! ;) Love you!! Miss you!!

Edeninc said...

#8: Pedicures = World Peace

#2: Math tests? Seriously! When was the last time you took a Math Test? Move on girl!

#12. I love Miracle Whip. You're a heathen!

#15.TV is beneath me, I'm WAY Taller than my TV.

sarah said...

I don't think I will even attempt this one. It took me like a week to do the 100 things about me. I don't have that kind of time anymore. :)

Cassidy said...

I love, love, love chic-fil-a! I'm glad you did this list.