Before I got pregnant with Quinn, Jeremy and I considered all the options we could to be able to move out of my parents house. We even considered ARIZONA! Hotter than heck there. Anyway...we decided thats what we wanted to do. Didn't consider it too much before we had Jeremy talking to his company about it and so forth. They decided it would be fine as long as it got approved. They have an office in Scottsdale and he works with many of those people on a daily basis over the phone. Well long story short, the idea got shot down by the VP of the company because the company had a no transfer policy, unless there was a good business reason to move. Well there wasn't...we just wanted to move there because of the extreme cheapness of living there. Does that make sense? Anyway...we were both bummed, neither of us even prayed about it or thought much about it after that.
We continued to think of ways to move out and be our own family again. Moving to Utah? San Marcos? Temecula? Someplace cheaper, but we wanted to stay close to my family. I hated the idea of being away from them.
Well about 3 weeks ago, the day before we were leaving for AZ to go to my best friends sealing, Jeremy's boss Norma. Who is LDS as well and really looks out for Jeremy came to him with a solution. She had just posted a job on the website for a Sr Business Analyst in Scottsdale. Exactly what he does now. She told him since there was no business reason for him to transfer, that he would just have to apply and go through the whole application process as if he were starting new. This is a job that would LITERALLY involve doing the same thing, reporting to Norma as normal, working with the same people, everything the same. He just had to apply for it. Having gone through this before Jer and I were both extremely skeptical of it. What makes it different this time than the last time we got turned down? This time we decided to consider it more seriously and pray about it and really get down to the nitty gritty of the pro's and con's.
I was really upset and anxious everytime I thought about moving away. A. because I didn't want to be away from my family B. I didn't want to move away right before the baby we worked so hard for was born, C. I didn't want to take Kasen away from his best friend. I cried day after day. Afraid to pray about it. It was too much emotion to deal with. I am pregnant, I have enough emotion to deal with as it is. Well, a few days after we got back from AZ, I had to work in the temple. I spent a lot of time alone that night in places of the temple that I could pray alone. I prayed and I cried. I kept praying and crying. I didn't have an answer by the time I left that night, but I didn't feel as anxious about it. I didn't freak out everytime I thought about it. I was still scared to death, but not anxious.
A few days later, still praying about it, I received my answer. I cried and cried at the thought. How can I do this? How am I strong enough? How can I move away before Quinn is born, take Kasen away from his cousins and ME be away from my family. The more I prayed, the more relief I felt from my fear. My answer is yes. It is what my family is supposed to do. We are to move to AZ.
Jeremy went along with this process of applying for his same job. Interviewing with his boss, interviewing with HR. Doing what he needed to do. It's been a real waiting game the past couple weeks. I am a very anxious person, and it just gets worse when I am pregnant. I just wanted to know the companys answer. I wanted to know. His boss told him that if we DO get the job, they can probably postpone for about a month. Meaning once he gets the offer, we have a month to move. Well Jeremy got his offer today.
We accepted the job. We are moving to AZ. His first day at his new/old job in Scottsdale is April 13th. We are headed out this weekend to look for a house to live in.
I am SO excited at the idea of being my own family again. Having our own space, and being out of my parents house before this baby is born. Being out of my parents house at all really. We are SO grateful to them for all they have done for us. It was SUCH a blessing living with them and having them get to know us, especially quiet Jeremy and loud Kasen, better. My parents have formed such an incredible bond with Kasen, they are like his 2nd parents. I am very overwhelmed and stressed about this move, but trying to take it day by day so I don't throw myself into pre-term labor or anything. My mom and I have had many "discussions" about me going and its certainly going to be hard. I just keep reminding myself of that undeniable feeling I get when I pray about going. I know this is best for our family. I know this is what the Lord wants for us. I know that we will be missed, and we will miss everyone even more. I will miss my family, Kasen will miss his family and I know that even Jeremy will miss my family. ;) We have friends here that we will miss terribly but they have PROMISED to come see us. I am still going to hold them to that.
We knows it's right. I am EXTREMELY sad, but so happy at the same time. I know that it will take time to adjust, and I accept that. I know I will be sad for a while, but I do have a few friends in AZ that will keep me company when I need it the most.
Thank you to all who knew, and totally supported me EITHER way. It's been such a great help.
I am hoping to have a baby shower/going away party before I leave so I can see everyone one last time. I will let you all know when that is.
I will keep you guys posted on the house hunt and the official date we are leaving. We aren't sure of that yet since it depends on the house. But I will let you know how it all goes.
Thanks for your love and support. This is hard, but I know that with the Lord, my friends and my family WE can do this!