Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Best Finger

Starting at a very early age, Quinn is already a thumb sucker. He started a few weeks ago and will even sometimes spit out his paci so he can replace it with his thumb. Although I think its adorable to see a baby suck his thumb, I am trying to enforce the paci. It's a lot easier to take away then his thumb will be down the road. I don't want him to turn out like his mommy and suck his thumb til he is 12. Yep, that's right, had braces for 4 years because of it!

How can I resist right now though? Look how cute he is!

Once again, you will have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and turn the music player off to hear Quinn.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Quinn is really starting to talk a lot these days. It's really cute. I love to hear his little voice and I think HE loves to hear his little voice too. Here are a few recent pics and a little video of him talking.

(blogger will not let me upload this horizontally likes its supposed to be, it keeps uploading vertically)

You will have to scroll down and turn off my music player so you can hear him.


Yesterday I learned that my best friend has been keeping a HUGE secret from me. She finally decided to talk about it about 2 weeks ago, but really showed me the secret yesterday. There is a little ranch market in Mesa that she has been ranting and raving about. It's so cheap, its so good, you have to try it....blah blah. She kept telling me next time she went she would take me. Finally I MADE her take me yesterday. Pulled teeth and bent arms to make her take me. ;)

Let me tell you. I will NEVER buy fruit or veggies from a store again unless I need it quick. Even then I will have a hard time buying it.

As we walked through the market I felt as though I were in heaven. Picking out fruit and veggies has never been so fun. I loaded up, big time. The bottom of my stroller was stocked, the top was even full. I even used a little of Autumn's cart. I knew I was in trouble when I got up to the register and felt like the unloading of all I got was endless. "oh no, Im in trouble. Jeremy is going to kill me." I tried justfying everything I got in my head and just COULDN'T put anything back. The final item was scanned and here it came...the total. The thing I dreaded most.
To my delight, it was not even close to what I thought it would be! I got all these lovely veggies and fruit for ready?

(red potatoes, bananas, green grapes, strawberries, potatoes, pears, cantalope, apples, onions, celery, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes, nectarines, carrots, head of lettuce, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce)
ONLY...... $24.93!
I heart the Ranch Market.
Thank you Autumn for sharing your secret with me. It was WELL worth the wait! I won't tell a soul. Promise!

Monday, August 17, 2009


These are some picture that were taken this weekend...
I told Kasen to go get dressed for the day and this is what he came out wearing...a green shirt thats too small, some green shorts that are too small and his green peter pan hat. Awesome. I made him change before we left the house.

This is Quinn in his cute tie onesie (all ready for church) that my sister Alison made for him. It's a bit big still (6mos) since he is only 2 mos old. We liked it, so did all the people at church. Thanks Ali!
This is a picture of Jeremy and I at our friend Bryant's Surprise 30th Birthday party. And a few more from the party too....

Alicia, Jen, Autumn, Jess and I
Jess, Autumn and I

Autumn and I

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How did this happen!?

How did my little Kasen grow up SO fast? Kasen started Kindergarten yesterday and it seriously makes me so sad. He was SO excited. We have been counting down the days for about 10 days now and yesterday was finally the day. On Sunday night Jeremy had the privilege of giving Kasen his first fathers blessing which was amazing. For all of us. I packed his lunch the night before and made him a special little note and put it inside.

He woke up Monday morning at 6:45 and came into my room upset. Of course, I was sleeping and asked him what was wrong.

Kasen: You told me we had to wake up early so we didn't miss school!
Me: well we do, we don't want to miss your first day
Kasen: Well it's late. You slept too late and we missed school. You didn't wake up early like you said
Me: Honey, its only 6:45! School doesn't start til 8:10! Its ok, we have plenty of time!
Kasen: ok, are you sure?
Me: positive

He was so excited. It was hard for me to be sad yesterday because I knew how much HE was excited and looking forward to going to school. I didn't cry ONCE! Aren't you proud?

Here are a few picture from the morning.
The sun was so bright that he could barely keep his eyes open! Walkin to school with mommy and daddy (and Quinn)Waiting at the gate for his teacher to take him to classHis teacher Mrs Bianco and his classmates on their way to his roomAt this desk, name tag and all!The brownie pencil cake I made him at the last minute. I ended up wiping all the frosting away from the sides after I took the picture. It was a cute idea, just not executed too well. It was a QUICK job. Oh well, he LOVED it.
I am so proud of you big boy. You are my light. You teach me new things everyday. Thanks to you, I am learning how to be a good mother. Patient, loving, understanding, compassionate and more. I hope I can only teach you the same wonderful things you have taught me.
I love you Kase Kase!

2 Month Checkup

Quinn had his 2 month check up yesterday afternoon. I can't believe my little Quinners is 2 mos old already! He just seems so little and young to me still, but when I tell people he is 2 mos old it just seems TOO old. I don't like that. Call me crazy, I know he is still a baby, but all you mothers understand...he is growing too fast!

Here are his stats:
Head: 15 3/4 (50%)
Weight: 11lbs (30%)
Height: 23 3/4 (75%) but this isn't too accurate because the lady couldn't get his leg to stretch straight

The Dr said he was the length of a 5 month old which goes to show his measurement above really isn't accurate at all. He couldn't emphasize enough how big he was. So looks like we have another tall one on our hands. Just like his brother.

He is turning out to be such a good baby. The colic is fading. It's not every night like it used to be. I think he also gets overstimulated very easily so we have to be careful there isn't TOO much going on around him.

My favorite time with him...well I have 2 right now. First...when I nurse him, he has just started to look up at me and gaze into my eyes. It's like he is connecting with me. He has done that before, just looked at me. Now though, he just stares, doesn't look away for a good minute or so while I just talk to him. I love it. It's special time. Second...right after he is done eating. He is SO happy. He just smiles and smiles and coos and talks. For a good half hour. (during the day) and its so much fun. I play with his legs and shake his legs and bend em and its like he knows I am playing with him. He just smiles and smiles when I do it.

He has started to suck his thumb. Now that he has more control over his arms, sometimes he will spit his pacifier out and replace it with his thumb. He is turning out like his mommy! :)

He is starting to soothe himself to sleep during the day. We put him in his bassinet, put his pacifier in, cover him up and turn on the vibrating motion and sometimes he goes right to sleep. Sometimes he just talks and squeals for a little bit. Don't get me wrong, sometimes all he wants is to be held as well. He is getting there though.

Night sleep? It's pretty good. He wakes up 2 times still. Im not complaining though cause he still goes right back to sleep after he eats.

Kasen still continues to be a good big brother. He is SO incredibly helpful. He loves to talk to him and make him smile. It just makes Kasen's day when Quinn will smile at him. It's cute.

He really is a good, happy baby. He just makes me smile looking at him. Im so happy. He is such a blessing and we are grateful for him in our lives and family.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Name Letters

Here is a picture of the letters I made for Kasens room when he was 1, and for Quinns room just a couple weeks ago. They were plain wooden letters that I altered using scrapbook stuff. Here you go Anthea! Let me know if you have any questions.

Im not sure why this pic turned out sideways...sorry!

Quinns Blessing

Last weekend we were fortunate enough to have my family and Jeremy's family come out to visit us, see our new house, and be here for Quinn's baby blessing.

The weekend was definately too short and everyone went home way too fast but it was still so nice to have people come visit and see where we live and what we have been up to since we moved here in April.

The blessing was very special and it was a great day. Jeremy did a great job, and we were able to have lots of family participate in the blessing as well. We are so grateful to everyone who was able to come. It was SO nice to have you here. PLEASE come visit us again soon. We get lonely here in AZ by ourselves!

Jeremy's sisters...Megan (left) and Katie (right) painting pictures with Kasen

Jeremy's parents...Lyle and Jerralyn with Kasen and Quinn

Everyone, minus my brother Greg who was flying in that night, out to dinner at Arriba.

Sunday. The day of the blessing. 8-2-09 . Somehow though, I failed to get pictures of just Quinn alone in his blessing outfit.

All the family that came for the blessing. From Cali, Washington and Utah.
Thanks again to my family AND friends for coming and making that day so special for us and Quinn.