How did my little Kasen grow up SO fast? Kasen started Kindergarten yesterday and it seriously makes me so sad. He was SO excited. We have been counting down the days for about 10 days now and yesterday was finally the day. On Sunday night Jeremy had the privilege of giving Kasen his first fathers blessing which was amazing. For all of us. I packed his lunch the night before and made him a special little note and put it inside.
He woke up Monday morning at 6:45 and came into my room upset. Of course, I was sleeping and asked him what was wrong.
Kasen: You told me we had to wake up early so we didn't miss school!
Me: well we do, we don't want to miss your first day
Kasen: Well it's late. You slept too late and we missed school. You didn't wake up early like you said
Me: Honey, its only 6:45! School doesn't start til 8:10! Its ok, we have plenty of time!
Kasen: ok, are you sure?
Me: positive
He was so excited. It was hard for me to be sad yesterday because I knew how much HE was excited and looking forward to going to school. I didn't cry ONCE! Aren't you proud?
Here are a few picture from the morning.
The sun was so bright that he could barely keep his eyes open!
Walkin to school with mommy and daddy (and Quinn)
Waiting at the gate for his teacher to take him to class
His teacher Mrs Bianco and his classmates on their way to his room
At this desk, name tag and all!
The brownie pencil cake I made him at the last minute. I ended up wiping all the frosting away from the sides after I took the picture. It was a cute idea, just not executed too well. It was a QUICK job. Oh well, he LOVED it.
I am so proud of you big boy. You are my light. You teach me new things everyday. Thanks to you, I am learning how to be a good mother. Patient, loving, understanding, compassionate and more. I hope I can only teach you the same wonderful things you have taught me.
I love you Kase Kase!