I am SO sad that Quinn is already 4 weeks old. Time has gone by so fast. I'm so rateful to have him as part of our lives and part of our family. He is so sweet and makes us so happy. We all love him so very much.
Things Quinn likes doing at 4 weeks:
**Farting. I put this as number 1 because he can't stop doing it. He stretches? he farts. He lays down? He farts. He gets his diaper off? He farts. He definitely has some Campbell blood in him. I really have to watch what I eat so I don't make it worse for him.
**Eat. He is doing better and better at eating all the time. He really has the hang of it and I really can't complain at all about his habits. The only thing that drives me a little nuts is that he will fall asleep after eating on one side and leave the other side full and engorged. Having a history of mastitis, I can't just leave it full and feed him on that side first next time. I have to pull out the pump and empty.
**Poop. I can't remember the last time I changed his diaper where there WASN'T poop in it. At least they aren't too messy or smelly yet with the breastmilk.
**Sit in his bouncer. He really likes to sit in his bouncer and feel the vibrations and listen to the annoying music that it plays.
**Suck on his Paci. This is a soother for him. He likes to suck and I don't always like to be that for him, so he has a paci. He really likes it. I don't know that he likes it as much as Kasen liked his, but only time will tell.
**Tummy time. I am so surprised at this since Kasen absolutely HATED it. He loves to sleep on his tummy. Lay on his tummy and have tummy time on a blanket. Of course he only sleeps on his tummy when he is laying on my chest, or when he is supervised. I know the risks.
My camera has a bright orange light that shines when it tries to focus. It made his eyes go crazy :)
**Pat-a-cake. This seems to really entertain him when you play pat a cake with his feet. I am very animated and dramatic when I do it and you can tell he enjoys it. You can tell he is REALLY trying to smile. Every once in a while you get a small half grin. Enough to know that he wants you to keep playing.
Look at that large noggin! Guess he takes after his daddy and brother.
This is close to his favorite face to make. It's so cute. When he is content and just sitting there he makes this little O with his mouth. So cute.
That's about it right now. I wish I could say sleep, but as of right now it's not one of his favorites. His Dr has decided that he has colic. He screams and screams and is unconsolable. It is worse at night. He takes little naps inbetween screaming. I am currently trying to eliminate things from my diet hoping that it will make a difference. I haven't had dairy since Thursday and it seems to be helping a lot...during the day that is. He still gets crazy at night and cries for a good 2-3 hours. At 2 weeks old he had an ear infection and the screaming started shortly after he started the antibiotics so I thought maybe he was just in pain or maybe even had a reaction to the meds, but he is ok now, off the meds and ears cleared up and still is a screamer. Good thing I love him so much! I just feel bad for him cause you can just tell he is in pain. We tried reflux precautions per the Dr and those didn't seem to help so she doesn't think thats the problem. She could only contribute it to colic. Hopefully this is the real cause and will only last a couple more months! Here's hopin!
We love you Quinnos!(As Kasen calls him)
Thank you for coming into our lives!