Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Quinn has been smiling for a couple weeks now but I was convinced he didn't like my voice. He was ALWAYS smiling for my mom. Big open mouth smiles. I tried and tried and if I tried long and hard enough would get a little wimpy smile. Then pass him to my mom and instantly she would get the big genuine grins. Sad. Well this morning I was on a mission. I wanted to catch his first smiles BY ME on camera. I tried and tried and didn't succeed. Finally I decided to change him into his clothes for the day and change his diaper. I left him in his diaper for a minute and just talked to him. I tried a VERY obnoxiously high pitch voice and it worked! I got real smiles from him. He officially likes his mommy now. I am embarrassed to talk like that in front of anyone, but hey! I got smiles!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

He is so cute. So cute.