Friday, September 28, 2007

More of a Sneak Peek

I am glad that Jessica gave me another sneak peek because I was having a hard time over here, not seeing those pics! This will hold me off until either the next sneak peek or the disc comes in the mail with all the awesome pictures Jess took of Kasen!! I cannot wait! The parking ticket I got in Laguna Beach was totally worth it! ha ha...While I was helping Jessica get Max in the car and load up her stroller in the rain, while Kasen was standing by getting soaked, right across the street was an officer giving me a ticket! I was too busy helping that I didn't even notice! Blah! I went over and talked to him and told him that I was just helpig a friend across the street, and he told me to write a nice little letter to the City of Laguna Beach and tell them what happened and to send no check. Hopefully that will fly. I did it yesterday, and mailed it out. No biggie! Thankfully! Hopefully!?

Anyway, here are a couple more pics of my sweet son!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mild Obsession

So I think my son has an obsession with Mickey Mouse. He watches House of Mouse. He watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He watches the Mickey Donald Goofy Movie. Mickey stickers. Mickey stuffed animals, along with all his friends. Mickey tattoos. Mickey shirt. Mickey pajamas. Mickey bags. Mickey scrapbook pages! The kid has a lot. He is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now singing M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. He sings the whole song, he knows the line up of the characters in the intro. A slight obsession??

Well today I made it worse. I went to the Disney Store and got his Halloween costume. That's right, you guessed it. He is going to be Mickey Mouse. Ever since he woke up from his nap, he has been wanting to wear his costume. He put it on and won't take it off now. He doesn't care all that much for the gloves since Mickey only has 2 fingers apparently. The gloves won't let him pick anything up. He also doesn't really care for the velcro strap under his chin. I can't blame him at all. But I do know that he will wear them both if I tell him he gets candy for it.

The outfit will look much better once we have it all together and the face painted. This is just him, with of course, his Mickey pajamas underneath.

Heat Sensitive

So...over the summer Kasen and I went to a lot of playdates and were outside a lot. When we were in Utah in July, Kasen got sick with a fever, throwing up and followed by diahrrea. It was pretty traumatic for me, being in a hotel room all alone while Kasen was sick. It was the first time my little boy had ever thrown up. In a hotel room, in the middle of the night, nothing to clean it up with, no maid service, NOTHING. I had to call Jeremy's dad in the hotel room next to us to come help me! I know, I am a sissy for needing help. So anyways, throughout the rest of the summer Kasen kept getting sick. A fever and throwing up. He threw up on 5 different ocassions within a 6 week period. I took him to the Dr after the 3rd time. They ran a bunch of tests, blood and urine. Everything came back fine. He was a little dehydrated, but other than that, ok. If he was ok, why was he still throwing up? Having a fever? At least once a week!! It would happen usually towards the beginning of the week, Monday or Tuesday, so we thought...ok, maybe it's something at church? Maybe he is allergic to something? Carpet? Food? Bubbles? Who knows! But what's wrong with my kid?? The Dr told us that if he threw up again to bring him in and they will run some repeat tests to see if anything has changed. About 4 days later, surprise! He got sick again! We took him back to the Dr, she asked us what we did EVERYDAY inbetween his last appt and the one that day. We told her, day by day. We can to the conclusion that anytime he is out in the sun too long, and its WAY too hot, he gets sick. My son has a heat sensitivity. It explains everything! It was hotter this summer, than it has been in San Diego in a long time. He isn't used to the heat. So he got sick. Dang! We can never live any place TOO hot. Not that I would want to, but I need to be extra careful now when I take him out in the heat. Since it has started to cool off a bit, he hasn't gotten sick AT all. It's really nice not to have to worry about him playing too long or too hard outside right now.
Anyway, thats my story!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Life- So TOTALLY true!

Your Love Life is Like Casablanca

"Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time."

For you, love is never finished. If you've loved someone once, you'll always love them.
You're an old fashioned romantic... even if your relationships don't end up as romantic as you'd like.

Your love style: Traditional and understated

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Complicated and ambiguous

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A sneak peek!

One of Kasens pics from yesterday at Laguna Beach! Jessica is amazing!! You can check out her blog from clicking in my friends! She did such a wonderful job and was so patient with my kid who clearly wouldn't smile!! But they look great anyway!!! Thanks again Jess!!!

What a handsome boy with freckles! He takes after his mommy with all those freckles!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Departure!

Our weekend was finally over. Time to get home to reality. We had so much fun! It was our first time away from Kasen. It was hard to say goodbye...but once we got to Vegas, we had a great time with all our friends! I want to do it again, SOON! But...I know that won't happen. Maybe just a date alone with my husband? I will take what I cant get!

Before we all left Vegas on Sunday night, we went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. It was hard to say bye to Autumn and Bryant, but we will see them next month! Everyone else lives around here so it wasn't a big deal. It was although, hard to say goodbye to my vacation. First one without Kasen, first one alone since our honeymoon! It will happen again....SOMEDAY!

Girls Day Out

Once again, the boys wanted to go watch football at a casino, so us girls got a DAY out. We started the morning with a massage!! This is my FIRST massage ever! EVER! Which people couldn't believe. Let me tell you this, it won't be my last! I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was pretty cheap too. $39 for an hour! We went to a place called Massage Envy. It was so amazing. After that all 4 of us went and got pedicures. That was an interesting experience, but all in all, my toes look cute! We went to target and had a good time. We put on some cool headbands and some sweet jewelry and we looked so hot that we HAD to take some pictures! PEACE! Then we went and got lunch and found a VERY expensive scrapbook store and hardly spent any money. It was still fun, and nice to hang out with the guys! It was a good time!

Cirque Du Soleil "O"

Saturday night after all our timeshare presentations, and after the m&m world and espn zone, we all went back to the hotel and got all dressed up and cute, and went to go see Bellagio's Cirque Du Soleil: "O" We all really liked it, the guys probably a little less than us girls, but it was really interesting, and weird, but a good weird! It was actually pretty amazing. I would suggest seeing it, if you haven't already. Even the furthest seats back were good! We sat in the balcony, the second to last row and it was still wonderful. I had no trouble seeing! Our friends Autumn and Bryant went to go see Phantom that night instead, they loved that as well! Here is a picture of Jeremy and I after the show. All 3 of us couples who went to the show, and then us girls in front of our favorite store at the Bellagio!

M&M's World-Las Vegas

While we were in Vegas, the boys wanted to go to the ESPN Zone at NY NY. As girls, of course we weren't all that interested, so we went with them to eat some dinner, then left for an hour or so to go walk down the strip. We didn't really know what to do, and we didn't really have that much time to walk too far, so...we went to M&M World which was right across the street from ESPN Zone. We had no problem spending the whole hour in that 4 story store! I never knew they could have that much M&M memorabilia. They have over 28 colors and kinds of m&ms that you can make your own bag from so I was going to get a bag for Kasen until I realized that it was $9 for a lb! Kasen is almost 3, he doesn't know the difference between a $9 bag and a .50 cent bag, so I opted against the lb bag! But as you can see, we were being silly and having a good time. It's nice to just act like a kid sometimes, like I said....I love to laugh!

Riviera Comedy Club

Our first night in Vegas was fun! We went to a buffet at the Mirage, which was pretty tasty. Then we got free tickets through the timeshare company to go see a comedy show at the Riviera Comedy Club. There were 3 guys and the show last about an hour. It didn't start til like 1030 pm. so we were all pretty tired by then after the long drive that day. The first guy had a few funny things to say, the second guy was absolutely hilarious (a little crude, but still funny) and the third guy was funny, but not as funny as the 2nd. We all were laughing so hard, we were clapping and our cheeks hurt after the show from smiling so much. How can that be a bad thing? I love to laugh!

Is it asking too much?

I have decided that no matter HOW hard I try, and no matter HOW many pictures I take, I will never get a picture of Jeremy with his eyes open AND a smile on his face as long as the flash is on! His cheeks are a little fuller, and his eyes are pretty inset, so when he smiles, his eyes squint so far that his eyes just CLOSE! Here are a few out of the 20 pictures I took. LITERALLY 20, and not one single pic turned out!! (This was in our hotel room in Vegas)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My new "DO"

I have been wanting a drastic change with my hair. It's so thick and really hard for me to do it when its long because I just get WAY too hot and it just takes WAY too long. So...I chopped it! I got 8 inches cut off. Can you believe it? 8 inches! I am still getting used to it, but all in all I think I will like it, A LOT!

Here are the changes:

What do you guys think? I got it thinned quite a bit too so it wont be so hot, or poofy.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Kasen had his first day of preschool today. I can't believe it. He is almost 3. Crazy. I know that he still has some time before he goes to kindergarten, thankfully, but today was so weird to go drop him off. He had such a good time, but I think his favorite part was wearing his cool new backpack that my parents neighbors gave him. HE LOVES IT! He wants to put anything and everything in it. It's cute. Here are a few pictures of Kasen before preschool this morning.

He is so excited to go back on Thursday. He keeps talking about how he got to finger paint and play in the water. How fun for him! I am glad he enjoyed it!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Baby Drew

My sweet sister Alison had a baby on 8/22. They named him Andrew Keith Bergstrom. They call him Drew. I am so happy for her and the family! I can't wait to meet him. I still havent met my 2 year old niece Abby. Hopefully I will meet Drew before he turns 2! Congrats to my sweet sister and her new little man! I am proud of you for all you did to bring this baby here and into the family!! I love you Ali!


I cannot express to you how MUCH I love to scrapbook. It is so much fun for me. I get to use my creative outlet, but best of all, it's something, like the only thing, I am good at. I always think if I were to try out for some talent show, like Americas Got Talent, I wouldn't have anything to physically show for. I can't sing, I can't dance, by no mean am I flexible. I don't mime, I don't balance, I don't juggle or change my clothes quickly. I have had a really hard time lately thinking that I wasn't good at anything. That I wasn't blessed with any talents. I was only thinking physical, of what my body could do. Until recently, when I realized that scrapbooking is my talent. It's something that I have a total passion for, and something that I can always improve on. My pages are not by any means the best, but they are good. I am not trying to brag at all because I don't like it when people do that, but I guess I am just trying to say that....just because people don't have more common talents like singing or dancing or playing an instrument, doesn't mean we don't have talents. Each of us do. We all are good at something. I know its hard when we run into those people who are good at everything it seems, but they struggle in their own areas. If you don't know what your talent is, please let me know and I guarantee I can make a list for you. In fact, its a challenge. If you don't know of your talents, please let me help you recpgnize them. It's a feeling of great worth when you recognize your talents. I hope that wasn't a lot of babbling, and that I actually got my point across.