So...over the summer Kasen and I went to a lot of playdates and were outside a lot. When we were in Utah in July, Kasen got sick with a fever, throwing up and followed by diahrrea. It was pretty traumatic for me, being in a hotel room all alone while Kasen was sick. It was the first time my little boy had ever thrown up. In a hotel room, in the middle of the night, nothing to clean it up with, no maid service, NOTHING. I had to call Jeremy's dad in the hotel room next to us to come help me! I know, I am a sissy for needing help. So anyways, throughout the rest of the summer Kasen kept getting sick. A fever and throwing up. He threw up on 5 different ocassions within a 6 week period. I took him to the Dr after the 3rd time. They ran a bunch of tests, blood and urine. Everything came back fine. He was a little dehydrated, but other than that, ok. If he was ok, why was he still throwing up? Having a fever? At least once a week!! It would happen usually towards the beginning of the week, Monday or Tuesday, so we thought...ok, maybe it's something at church? Maybe he is allergic to something? Carpet? Food? Bubbles? Who knows! But what's wrong with my kid?? The Dr told us that if he threw up again to bring him in and they will run some repeat tests to see if anything has changed. About 4 days later, surprise! He got sick again! We took him back to the Dr, she asked us what we did EVERYDAY inbetween his last appt and the one that day. We told her, day by day. We can to the conclusion that anytime he is out in the sun too long, and its WAY too hot, he gets sick. My son has a heat sensitivity. It explains everything! It was hotter this summer, than it has been in San Diego in a long time. He isn't used to the heat. So he got sick. Dang! We can never live any place TOO hot. Not that I would want to, but I need to be extra careful now when I take him out in the heat. Since it has started to cool off a bit, he hasn't gotten sick AT all. It's really nice not to have to worry about him playing too long or too hard outside right now.
Anyway, thats my story!