Friday, May 30, 2008

Kasen's First Dentist Appt.

This one's for you Papa.
Kasen had his first dentist appt. today and it went really well. I am so proud of him. I gave him a little heads up about what was going to happen and warned him about all the tools they were going to use. He likes the squirt gun....(the water rinser thingy ma bobber) He sat perfectly still, didn't whine when they didn't have orange teeth cleaner and instead just picked bubble gum. He was THRILLED with his pirates of the carribean toothbrush he got to pick out and picked a glittery sticker that said "angel"...I'm not so sure that's always a fitting title, but for the dentist appt? ABSOLUTELY. The hygenist said he was better than some of her 10 year old patients. That made him smile proudly.

A little bit of a nervous smile.
Checking for cavities.
The actual cleaning.
Good job my sweet boy! Good job!


Nichole Bruce said...

What a good boy!!!! He's looking SO much older and it's only been a few months since we've seen him. I'll have to show Brax the pictures. He misses Kasen so much. He talks about him daily. He just doesn't understand why we can't go to California. Good thing you'll be here in just a couple of week!! Besides scraping, what's on the agenda?
P.S. Palm Springs looks like it was a blast. yeah for vacations!

Alison B said...

so cute. He looks so little in that big old chair!