Kasen started soccer on Saturday. I'm not really sure what to say about it. Disaster? Nightmare? Never again? He is on a team with about 8 other 3 and 4 year olds. Some are good, some have no clue (kasen), and some have never played but at least picked up on it. I know that age 3 is young to start soccer, not much of an attention span and a little rowdiness, but I expected that going into it on Saturday. What I did expect was all the break downs, tantrums and ball stealing that would go on.
Kasen had a really hard time with the idea that other people were going to use his ball. (symptom of being an only child)...he would go and steal his ball away from the poor little kid who was just doing as he was told...but NOT before he would yell at them to give his ball back. It was really embarassing. All these soccer moms were just staring like "what a brat!"
Kasen wore shin guards but STILL cried and ran over to us EVERY SINGLE TIME he got kicked or fell or anything happened. It drove me crazy. (another symptom of being an only child)
He threw tantrum after tantrum when he would go to kick the ball and whiff, or when his competitive father would tell him to go back out and play.
All in all it was pretty awful and embarassing. Fortunately my kid wasn't the ONLY one behaving like this, but I can't expect the best when he has never done anything like this before.
All I am expecting is maybe a little bit of improvement from last week? Jeremy has been practicing with him since, he will go to bed early on Friday night and get well fed for breakfast. Hopefully those will make a little difference in his attitude and whinyness. (and sissyness) :)
Heres hopin' for a better soccer game this week!
Bummer... I bet Jeremy was pretty crushed. He is so into sports... lol. He will get better and start to understand it more and Kasen will too. hehe =)
I think that's how its supposed to be - they catch on as time goes on. They get more in to it once they understand it better. At least that's how it was for Dillon last summer. What league is he in?
I think he loooks super cute but he needs a little tuffin up anywyas so this will help. And the only child fits just shows he loves you
Good luck tomorrow! Of course Brandon is jealous... I just don't know if I'm up for starting the sports stuff quite yet. Party pooper I know
Hence the reason why Dawson and Everett are still not in soccer. . . I watched my little sister play years ago when she was like 5. It was like a comedy show!!! I learned my lesson that way. Not an only child thing necessarily, just a young child thing. At least he's getting more interaction with kids his age. Good for his social development! Good luck with the next game/practice!
He looks good though and that is half of it right. It will get better with time it always is- Kasen just has to get used to it. Stick with it and you'll be the number one soccer mom in no time at all.
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