Sunday, June 15, 2008

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dr Away

Kasen LOVES apples. He will usually eat a whole one if you cut it up, but if he eats it whole, he usually only takes a couple bites and then doesn't want to work at it anymore. Today however was a different story. With a few helpful bites from Grandpa, he ate just about the whole thing!

Kasen fell and hurt his foot while we were outside and started crying. He then proceeded to run inside and grabbed an apple proclaiming that it would make his foot feel better.

We all had a good laugh about that.

The picture of the lone apple is ONE SINGLE bite from my dad. Honestly, that is EXACTLY why we never wanted my dad to take bites of our food. We would always cringe anytime my dad asked for a bite fully knowing that a bite to him was half of the item we were eating. We finally learned to put our finger about a half inch away from where he was going to take a bite so that he couldn't take too big of a bite without biting our finger. It kept his bites to a smaller portion.


Raadgep Fam said...

Carrots are great for the eyes! Thats awsome that he loves apples!

Pure Images said...

I LOVE apples, but only the greem ones!!