Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The many faces of Kasen...

Silly face Boppa taught him.

Just a sweet smile.

I have seen tons of scrapbook pages with this title. I have yet to do something like it, but as I was playing with Kasen today I, he really does have a lot of faces, and I can read them all. I know what they all mean. It's so cute to see him grow and to see him using his face a lot more to express himself and how he feels. Here are just a few I took within a 10 minute span.

Hmm, now what?
I am sad and I feel bad!

I feel guilty.


Jessica Kettle said...

Oh my gosh so cute! What a good idea! I just may have to copy you on that one. It would be fun to do that every few months as they change and get older.

Pure Images said...

That is so cute. Its funny because I was showing my mom all the pictures from the night I babysat Kasen... and he was pretty expressionless in the pictures and she was like, I thought he have more expressions... I will have to show her those. lol!