Thursday, March 8, 2007

My chatterbox

Kasen turned 2 in November and ever since he has been talking more and more everyday. He is talking quite a bit now. He has a friend his age who talks more than him and he has a friend who talks less than him, so I guess I am going to call the rate it which Kasen speaks...AVERAGE. But still its a lot to me. My baby book for Kasen is packed away for the time being so I am going to use my blog to track the words and phrases he uses...some of which are:




All gone

all done


Kasens turn/my turn


no way jojo

thank you

night night


I want more

Im ok

Im hot

Im cold

Bailey get down

french fries

hi mommy




I love you


fix it

its empty

help me

go bye bye in the car

I want a cookie

watch movie

go diego go

toy story

P popcorn

M mommy

K kasen

X xylophone


baby jaguar






stop that

I wanna play outside

Baileys eating em all

where'd blankie go?


daddys sleeping


it's right there


choo choo train


-boppa went to work
whoa that's cool!
yaay mommy!
There! I did it!
Window down mommy!
Whered my shoes go?
Jesus Love me
I wanna wear my flipflops
follow you daddy

***thats all I can think of right now...there are a lot more basic words I didn't add, like apple, cheese, nut, car, tree, bird stuff like that.

He amazes me everyday with the stuff he just randomly says. I am so grateful to have him in my life and more importantly as MY SON! He is such a good kid with such a sweet spirit and I know I got the best out there for me! I love him a ton!

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