Monday, September 29, 2008

Temple Work

I have such a strong testimony of temple work. I have always had a testimony of this ever since I was in Young Womens and could go do baptisms. My testimony has grown leaps and bounds the past couple weeks. My dad and I did some of our family names for geneology and we took the names to the temple. It was THE most spiritual experience I have ever had. My parents, Jeremy and I, Zac and Crystal and my brother Greg went and did baptisms for 28 of our family members. I was privileged enough to do the baptism and confirmation for my Grandma. Velta Ione Campbell. My dads mom. I like to think I was pretty close to her. I was crying so hard I was whimpering. The spirit was so strong ! It makes me choke up even writing this. I did names for 4 other relatives as well.
The week after all of us, minus Greg, went back and did all the initiatories and one session for each. Once again I had the same 5 names, and did the endowment for my Grandma Campbell. Of course, I cried again. I am trying not to go too much into detail, but I guess I just want to say that I am SO grateful for the work we all do in the temple. I know how important it is and I feel so privileged to be able to work in the temple every month. To see what goes on there and to feel the spirit that's there. Such a privilege.


SeeCampbell said...

The temple is a wonderful place. Greg would have liked to be there, it's just hard for him with work especially right now. I'm so glad you are uplifted with your experiences there. By the way, you look great! Are you slimmin' down more these days, because it sure looks like it!!!!!!!

Melanie said...

That's awesome. Nothing feels better than to know that you are doing something for someone else. Especially in the temple. I'm happy for you that you go to do it.

Alison B said...

wow. that is awesome!!!! I'm so jealous! I got to do a part for my grandma paxson last month. we all took one part. katie did the baptism, me initiatory, etc. I totally cried, too. it was amazing. I agree with Jeanine, you are looking skinny minnie!!!

Claudia said...

Awesome! It's so special that you could share that as a family. :)

Raadgep Fam said...

i am so glad that I got to help out some little way. Congrates and great job!