Thursday, April 17, 2008

Flower Fields

Our playgroup went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields on Monday afternoon. It's been a long week, sorry for those I have promised the photos to, I am just now getting around to doing them.

Kasen TRYING to smile for the camera but the sun kept making him look funny. I don't get it.

Just ignore the DO NOT CROSS tape, we got in trouble for it.
In FRONT of the DO NOT CROSS tape! We learned our lesson.

Kasen, Ethan and Brielle playing ring around the rosie

Aww tender, yet cheesey!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! Super cute!! Kasen is so cheesy!


Raadgep Fam said...

they look so cute. I hope when we have kiddos we will have a playgroup that does a bunch of stuff. cute!

Edeninc said...

I miss the Flower Fields. These pics make me homesick. Will you go walk on the beach and then eat a carne asad burrito for me? That'd be great, thanks.