Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mother of the Year Award

Kasen has a tendency to wake up WAY too early for me most days. But, most nights, I am not up til like 1am watching the Olympics either. The other night I was up really late and 6am came around WAY too early for ME, Kasen? Not so much. Bright, bubbly, ready for the day. Jeremy put on a movie for him and we slept a little more. Little did we know, he was up to NO GOOD at all. I should have known better. Should have known.

Later that morning, after we were awake, and Jeremy was gone, I was in the shower and when I got out, I couldn't find Kasen. I went looking and calling for him and one of his favorite hiding places is under his bed. He has a captains bed.... underneath is completely empty for storage. There are two doors at the end of his bed to open up and he likes to hide in there and play with his star wars toys there.

I went searching for him under his bed, and this is what I found on the inside of one of the doors.

Lovely, eh?

Was my extra hour nap really worth $10.08??

1 comment:

Pure Images said...

Cute! lol. I found post it notes everywhere one day... that was cheaper than stamps though! lol.