Thursday, November 15, 2007

tagged....7 weird things about me

So I decided that I would enlist in some help on this blog. I know that the things other people think are weird, would most likely be normal to me. So Jeremy wrote this.

1. I sleep with my legs crossed. I lay on my back, one leg with foot on bed, knee up, and the other leg crossed over, like a guy sits when they are sitting, not sleeping.

2. Having too many windows open on the computer stresses me out. If people leave with windows open, I always have to go find them and ask if I can close their windows before I can do anything.

3. Ever since I was little, my mom has fed me pickles, smothered in cream cheese, wrapped in ham. I can't stress enough how dang tasty these things are. I ate A LOT of them when I was pregnant with Kasen. Don't knock it, til you've tried it!

4. I can't ever just sit with my feet flat on the floor. I either have to be sitting on one leg/foot or have my legs crossed. But I CANNOT have BOTH feet flat on the floor. That's like breaking some sort of leg rule or something.

5. I don't like to be downstairs by myself after everyone has gone to bed. It freaks me out. If Jeremy is going to bed, and I am not tired, I will still go to bed with him because I don't want to be downstairs alone.

6. When I was pregnant with Kasen, I was standing in my bathroom after getting out of the shower and caught a man staring at me through my bathroom window (I lived in apartments). Ever since then I always feel like people are staring at me through the windows. (#5 and #6 might have something to do with each other)

7. I have massive age issues. I annoys me to no other when people tell me "you're young", or "you're still a baby", or when they say "try being my age" This issue might have something to do with being the youngest of 10 kids. I bet you half my brothers and sisters don't realize I am 27, and still think I am 12. GRR!! Just writing about it gets me all riled up.

That's it. 7 weird things about me.


1. Nichole
2. Autumn
3. Crystal
4. Sarah


Lyndsay said...

When I was in grad school with my bro, we had to have laptops and he would commandeer mine every once in a while to close down some of my windows. It drove him nuts!
That story about the man peeping in your window is terrifying! I can't even imagine.

Nyree said...
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